Noticias embajada de Australia

Ambassador of Panama Marcelino Aviles receives recognition from Australia- SICA Group/Embajador de Panama Marcelino Aviles recibe reconocimiento del Grupo Australia- SICA

Panama’s first resident Ambassador, Marcelino Aviles Valdespino, received an Award of Recognition for his support for creating the Australia-Central American Integration System (SICA) Group and his assistance in strengthening relations with our region.

The Award presented by H.E. Eduardo Pena, Ambassador of Mexico to Australia, discusses human trafficking organized by the [leer más]

2021-06-19T07:06:22-05:00junio 17, 2021|

The Ambassador of Panama Marcelino Avilés talks about Technologies Industries 4.0/ El Embajador de Panamá Marcelino Avilés habla sobre Tecnologías Industrias 4.0.

The Ambassador of Panama Marcelino Avilés, with other Heads of Mission from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Peru. He had the opportunity to present the benefits that our country offers in the area of Technologies Industries 4.0.
2021-06-11T09:46:14-05:00junio 11, 2021|

Ambassador of Panama Marcelino Aviles received an award of recognition/ Embajador de Panamá Marcelino Avilés recibe reconocimiento.

The first Resident Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Panama to the Commonwealth of Australia, Marcelino Aviles Valdespino, received an award of recognition from the Latin American Heads of Mission in Canberra for his valuable diplomatic contribution and work.

The ceremony took place at the official residence of H.E [leer más]

2021-06-11T09:33:13-05:00junio 3, 2021|

Discussion on indigenous situations/ Conversatorio sobre situaciones indígenas

The Ambassador of Panama, Marcelino Avilés, participated in the discussion on indigenous situations organized by the Centre for Latin American Studies of the Australian National University.
Australia has more than 60 thousand Aboriginal people, according to records. It is essential to highlight that there are still development opportunities for [leer más]

2021-06-19T06:20:03-05:00mayo 20, 2021|

Export Opportunities in Panama & the LATAM Region/ Oportunidades de exportación en Panamá y la región de LATAM

The Ambassador of Panamá, Marcelino Avilés V,  held a webinar to promote Panamanian logistics services and investments in Australia.
The event was coordinated jointly with the Queensland Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Australia Latin America Business Council, – ALABC and [leer más]
2021-06-11T10:05:25-05:00mayo 12, 2021|



Since October 12th, Panama has reopened its borders to international travelers, keeping the safety and health of both tourists and locals our top priority.

Visitors from most countries are welcome to visit Panama, however, a negative COVID-19 test is required for entry. For [leer más]

2021-04-26T22:01:21-05:00abril 26, 2021|

Ambassadors of the Australia-SICA Group – Australia-Colombia Dialogue/ Embajadores del Grupo Australia-SICA- Diálogo Australia – Colombia

Ambassadors of the Australia-SICA Group
Central American Integration System meet in The Embassy of Panama with representatives of the Australia-Colombia Dialogue.

To learn about this successful liaison between both regions, including international cooperation, business, investment, culture, art, security, innovation, among other topics.

Armando Vargas, Costa Rica, Ronald Recinos, Guatemala; Werner Romero, El Salvador [leer más]

2021-06-26T08:26:16-05:00abril 26, 2021|

Panamanian and Australian universities to sign collaboration agreement /Universidades panameñas y australianas firmarán convenio de colaboración

Panama’s first Resident Ambassador to Australia met with Dr John Wellard, Director Policy International and Sarah Tynan at Universities Australia.

On behalf of our 39 member universities, provide expert policy advice, analysis and statistical evidence, and media commentary on higher education.

Through Universities Australia and the subsidiary Higher Ed Services, [leer más]

2021-06-19T03:56:31-05:00abril 23, 2021|

Reunión con el director general de Maritime Australia / Meeting with the CEO of Maritime Australia

El Embajador de Panamá, su excelencia Sr. Marcelino Avilés, recibió la visita en su oficina del Sr. Mick Kinley, Director General de Asuntos Marítimos, donde hablaron de la importancia de las relaciones marítimas para ambas naciones de Panamá y Australia. El Sr. Kinley y el Embajador Avilés discutieron las áreas [leer más]

2021-03-23T23:30:43-05:00marzo 23, 2021|
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