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Noticias Embajada de Panamá en Reino Unido

Ambassador Royo participated of the opening ceremony of the Parliament sessions.

On 10 May 2022, Ambassador Royo participated of the opening ceremony of the Parliament sessions. HRH Prince Charles delivered the Queen’s speech and read out the government’s legislative agenda.

Special thanks to  

2022-11-21T09:21:48-05:00mayo 11, 2022|

Ambassador Natalia Royo de Hagerman visited the Capital School of English in Bournemouth.

On 6 May 2022, Ambassador Natalia Royo de Hagerman visited the Capital School of English where she gave a few words emphasising the importance of bilingualism and congratulated the Panamanian students who completed a six-month English language course; sponsored by IFARHU.


Please click here to view [leer más]

2022-05-15T07:48:33-05:00mayo 6, 2022|

Conversatorio en la Embajada con Adrián González: “Morning Zen”

Te invitamos el viernes 13 de mayo de 2022, a las 4PM en la Embajada – 40 Hertford Street, Londres – a un conversatorio con el escritor Panameño Adrián González, sobre su libro “Morning Zen”. Adrián compartirá una mezcla de hábitos y prácticas que realiza cada mañana para sacarle provecho [leer más]

2022-11-21T09:08:33-05:00abril 29, 2022|

Women In Foreign Policy

Ambassador Natalia Royo participated in the webinar #WomenInForeignPolicy by @CanningHouse where topics such as stereotypes towards women in society, practices to promote #GenderEquality, safety for women at the workplace and women in leadership roles were discussed.

To view the webinar click here

To view the Ambassador’s interventions, please click on the [leer más]

2022-03-16T11:28:04-05:00marzo 16, 2022|

La República de Panamá asumió la Presidencia Pro Témpore del SICA

La República de Panamá asumió en este primer semestre del 2022, la Presidencia Pro Témpore del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA), que promueve la cooperación regional de forma intersectorial desde hace 30 años. En el marco de su Presidencia en este organismo regional, Panamá impulsará la integración regional desde [leer más]

2022-03-05T10:53:11-05:00marzo 4, 2022|

Latam Investor’s latest edition on Panama.

We are excited to share the launch of Latam Investor’s latest edition on Panama; featuring exclusive articles and interviews from President Cortizo and several key 🇵🇦 figures, including Foreign Minister Erika Mouynes and Ambassador Natalia Royo. You may access the articles below:

Exclusive Op-Ed from Panama’s President, Laurentino Cortizo [leer más]

2022-05-15T07:50:18-05:00febrero 24, 2022|
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