Mr. Chairman, 1. I have the distinct honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China. 2. At the outset, allow me to say that under your guidance we were able to find ways of convergence that helped us to interchange ideas in a constructive and productive way in order to move forward the items under the SBSTA Agenda. Mr. Chairman, 3. The G77 and China welcomes the progress made since SBSTA 34 session, in particular the technical paper on water and climate change and the compilation of information on ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation. 4. Furthermore, the Group welcomes the joint SBSTA-SBI in-session workshop to consider the outcomes of the Nairobi Work Program most relevant to the SBI and its report prepared by the Chairs of the SBSTA and SBI. The participation of the Members of the Groups and the views expressed in the above mentioned workshop should help us advance towards a more action oriented implementation of the Program. We would like to highlight the importance of the process leading to the review of the Nairobi Work Program’s objectives, action-oriented sub-themes and working areas, and the need for the Program to further enhance its work with a view to support the Adaptation Framework and its provisions. 5. We look forward to engage in the activities agreed at this session for the next three sessions of the SBSTA with a focus on the working areas under the Nairobi Work Programme which will help developing countries further understand the implications of the impacts of climate change. Mr. Chairman, 6. The G77 and China recognizes the activities done by the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) during 2011 and urge Parties to ensure the adequate financial resources for the implementation of the TEC’s program of work for 2012. We expect the TEC can consider, as part of this program of work, the interaction with other institutional arrangements under the Convention, including the Climate Technology Center Network, the Financial Mechanism and the Adaptation Committee. 7. The Group of 77 and China welcomes the draft conclusions and COP decisions on Agenda Item 6 on Research and Systematic Observations. We recognize the important contribution of the research dialogue in informing discussions under the Convention and in enhancing communication between the science communities and policymakers. In this regard, the Group thank the participation of the research organizations and would like the research dialogue and workshops to continue. 8. Mr. Chairman, these workshops and dialogues are also important to discuss the needs for climate change related research and research related capacity building, particularly those of developing countries to support the work of the Convention. They can be used by developing countries as a forum to communicate research findings, successes and lessons learnt from climate change research related activities. 9. G77 and China recognizes the importance of research and communication between the scientific community, policymakers and users. We support the views of others that the UNFCCC website can be used as a channel to further enhance the availability and visibility of scientific information produced by the international and regional research programmes and organizations under the Convention. The webcasting of the proceedings of any workshops under the research dialogue would enhance communication of scientific information for those who are unable to attend. 10. We look forward to discuss systematic observation in SBSTA 36. Mr. Chairman, 11. The G77 and China engaged constructively in the forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures at the Subsidiary Bodies, with the objective of developing a work programme under the SBSTA and the SBI to address these impacts, and to adopt at this 17th COP modalities for the operationalization of the work programme and a forum on response measures, as mandated by Paragraph 93 of 1. CP/16. 12. The Group of 77 and China welcomes the draft conclusion and COP decision on Agenda Item 9(b) on the Updated Annex I Inventory Guidelines after two years of intense and rather technical work. The new Guidelines will allow Annex I Parties to report their anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks in a more complete, transparent and accurate way and implementing the use of the IPCC 2006 Guidelines, including for reporting in the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. [The Group regrets, however, that Parties could not reach agreement in all issues, including the final list of gases to report. G77 and China is ready to engage in further discussions with a view to conclude this work still at this session.] Note: this para is pending the closure of the discussions under this agenda item. Finally, Mr. Chairman, 13. I would like to reiterate the full commitment of the G77 and China to continue working to achieve concrete results during this session of the COP and CMP. I thank you.